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Purposeful Action


Staff use whole group and strategic small group instruction to best meet student needs. We use data to drive everything we do. The result is a high-achieving school with a caring, collegial culture.

Inclusive Programming


We meet our learners where they are at with the support they need. Blue Heron offers center-based special education programming and three levels of gifted and talented services.


Located in Lino Lakes, Blue Heron serves roughly 770 students in a safe, respectful, and purposeful learning environment where all students have the opportunity and responsibility to grow to their full social, emotional and academic potential.

95% Graduation Rate

Centennial has an above average graduation rate at 95% while the state average is 83.6%.

734 Students

Blue Heron Elementary has 734 students enrolled in Kindergarten through fifth grade.

High Open Enrollment Rate

Over 1,000 students open enroll in the district annually. 

Building Opened in 2002

Blue Heron opened in the fall of 2002 with 650 students and 77 employees. 

Committed Staff


Blue Heron staff are deeply committed to helping children grow. They make personal connections that understand, encourage and celebrate each student.

Impactful Involvement


Our families are involved with our school in meaningful ways. Volunteering, engaging and participating in community events are just a few ways our community connects with our school.

News & Announcements